This reporting period, Alive Service Society has participated in the pulse polio program on 2‐1‐13 conducted by the District Medical and Health Department. With the support of primary health center staff, Alive Service Society has organized pulse polio camps in Krishnalanka slums in Vijayawada and taken responsibility for the mobilization part. Whole village volunteers were involved in Polio Awareness and Polio Campaign actively. They have tried to cover all the children below 5 years through regular three days intervention in the areas. This joint effort has achieved desired goal of the polio campaign. 15. Child Labor Identification Alive Service Society participated actively along with the Govt. agency in eradicating Child Labor on 16‐1‐13. It worked along with the Labor department in identifying the child labor. It gave prior information to the Officials of Labor department that most of the child labors are found in I town market, Vasthralatha, Kabela, Autonagar, Besant Road. In this connection the agents appointed by Alive Service Society took active part and rendered their cooperation to the department.